Friday, May 30

Where fear and faith collide...

I've now been settled into my twenty-first year on earth for six days now. It's not at all like I was expecting. It's dangerously curved like a highway along the cliffs of a deep valley. You trust your instincts to get you through the twists and turns, but ultimately there's a little part of you that knows that your ability to control your actions only goes so far. That's where fear and faith intercede harmoniously. Say you find yourself losing grip a little bit. Not total loss of control by any means, just enough to where you're dancing on that white line just before the guardrail. Your fear, your faith take you by the hands and you correct the mistake. You might have to pull over afterwards to get back into a calm mindset. You may over-correct yourself and as you look up you see the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. At that point your fear and your faith have become absolutely fatal. You were looking at a bad fall, but now you're going sixty miles per hour and looking at a semi-truck going seventy-five miles per hour directly at you. There's a brilliant flash of light that graces your vision, there's just a few more seconds for you to make your decision. Do you fly off that cliff in an attempt to avoid a head-on collision to ultimately die? Do you brace yourself for an impact that if it doesn't kill you, leaves you paralyzed in your fear for life? Or...

Do you let God take the wheel from your hands and let that powerful mix of fear and faith lead your path? In all seriousness, this is where everyone needs to place themselves. The only way to have real peace upon an issue is to let fear lead you and to let faith guide you. Your fear of the Lord translates into devotion of heart, soul, body, and mind. Your faith of the Lord translates into trust. Trust and devotion, while very similar by first glance actually have slightly different connotations when a deeper look at them is taken. Trust is to fully place your emotions and your reactions at their base levels into the hands of another. In this particular case those hands are the nail scarred hands of Jesus Christ. Devotion however is the daily pursuit of pleasing and honoring a person in your life through prayer, discipline, and obedience. Also, the person we're talking about here is Jesus Christ. Separated, fear and faith are quite powerful in their own rights, yet when they're paired together, it creates a brilliant reality in which we should all live in. Through the fear and the faith comes grace, mercy, justice, and righteousness. Where one appears, they eventually all appear. Especially if you seek the others. I sought mercy, and I found grace along the way. I prayed for righteousness and caught the tails of justice.

So, that leaves us with a few final questions. Do your fear and faith collide? How do they collide? Do they even see each other? Could they comprehend each other if they met?

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