Saturday, May 17

Cover the Earth.

As I gaze out the window I can't help but to see two things. The first being immediate beauty, the second being intense corruption. It's a wicked weird contradiction, but it's there. It's a real life battle between Heaven and hell. It's the realness of night upon even the brightest of days.

Life's been nothing short of amazing lately. Yet I know if I take a step out of my front door I'm attacked by images, tastes, smells, sounds of things unclean, impure, unholy. It tests me, it trials me, it challenges me to be a better Christ-follower. It reminds me that without my Savior that I'm a wilted rose, lying trampled on the ground.

I don't believe that the world has realized that without their Savior's love they live in corruption. I believe that the world has actually finally started to see that the world is not healthy anymore. There are healthy parts of the world, don't get me wrong. It's just that the healthy parts are being overthrown by the viruses and the diseases of corruption.

That said, I don't believe I'm a healthy part of the world right now. In fact, I'd challenge anyone to call me healthy in the Spirit of God. My soul is burning for the fire it once had. My heart is aching, dare I say striving, yearning for the love I once knew. That raw, sensual, passionate love. It's there, I feel it. I know it to be real.

Sunday was a perfect day. I can't get over it. It affirmed, reaffirmed, and confirmed all my wondering of God lately. He is real. He is present. He is in pain for this broken world. He will return. He will judge. It may happen in my lifetime. The cards are beginning to line up, the path beginning to be cleared.

I'm listening to Brian Littrell's song "In Christ Alone" right now and these words come to me extremely poignant...

"In every victory, let it be said, my source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone."

I must remember this as I cover the earth with His love. It's not for my admission into heaven. It's my submission to the Grace that took the nails for me. Seeking Glory in humbleness will ultimately show Love beyond measure.

Tonight, I pray for this earth. That we truly awaken.

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