Monday, May 12

Denver. 24 hours of pure bliss.

So, at approximately 4:00 AM yesterday, I got up from the comfort of my bed and wrestled around with my packed bag. I groggily and excitedly flew into my sanctuary. My sanctuary is also known as the driver's seat of my car. I sped off into the pre-dawn day in hopes of seeing Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in the immediate horizon. I know the drive is about forty-five minutes in reality, but I was as awake as I could be and ready for the day as soon as I turned the car on. I made my way into check-in at exactly 5:34 AM. My plane was scheduled to depart to Denver International Airport at exactly 6:25 AM. I got my traditional drink at Starbucks, sat down with my iPod and streamed Foolish Things into my ears while pounding through a few chapters of Proverbs. There are these beautiful big windows in the newly remodeled main terminal at Sea-Tac. I was watching the horizon change from that velvety blue just before sunrise into the full colors of morning. They announced that the plane was boarding and I just about screamed in jubilation. The time was just around the corner. The bittersweet beautiful night I had no idea was coming. We took off, exactly at 6:34. I was officially on the journey...

The plane ride there was pretty uneventful in truth. There wasn't very many people on Flight 3338. The flight attendants were hilarious and particularly jovial for the hour in which the clock read. I dozed in and out, mostly out. There's something about flying, that just goes into my core and refreshes me, brings out this side of me I forget exists. I stared into the vast expanse of rolling clouds out the window and counted the minutes until I was to land at Denver International Airport. Then the announcement came over the intercom. "Passengers and Flight Attendants, this is your captain speaking, at this time, if you are moving about the cabin we ask you to please return to your seat so we can prepare for our descent." I came out of whatever sleep state I was in and was in that moment fully awake. About twenty minutes later the sound that I've become so familiar with finally came through the haze of excitement in my ears and set my feet and mind to restless. That sound was the sound, and the brief moment where two very opposite things collide. The runway and the tires on the Boeing 737 I was on. That little thud is enough to give me as much energy as four straight espresso shots. We had landed. At exactly 10:23 AM we rolled up to our gate. I was in Denver, nestled a mile-high in Colorado. I was anxious at this point. As much as I love the adrenaline and risk and joy I get from flying, there's nothing that will ever come close to replacing the night that I'm about to encounter...

I step off of the plane and immediately my skin revolts. Denver, as I quickly found out has considerably less humidity than Seattle. My hands within the few hours I was there were flaking. It's not attractive I know, but it's something I noticed pretty immediately. Anyways, back to my journey. I made the journey to find my bag at baggage claim. Now, mind you, airports are pretty standard, but the way Denver's is set up is slightly interesting. There's lots of little corners and places for people who aren't familiar to get lost in. It was fun exploring it though. I had my bag by 11:00 AM. I journeyed out to the taxi line. I wanted someone. No, I craved for someone to drive me around just so I could see things. This driver did a wonderful job. Since I couldn't check into my hotel until 3:00 PM, I had the time, and I had the currency, so I tallied up a one-hundred dollar cab fee. I got to my hotel at 2:52 PM and got checked in and into my hotel. I proceeded to call for my ride at 5:00. Then, I got my Bible out and proceeded to read some more of the Proverbs. Somewhere between chapter 12 and 13, I dozed a little bit. Just a little. Enough to put me back into that familiar haze that I felt at 4:00 AM that morning. At this point, I should have been flat-out tired, but really, I was just getting excited. I put my concert outfit on and proceeded to go and wait for my ride in the lobby. Promptly at 5:00 PM he arrived, and this is where, this is where the real story begins...

The sun was just beginning to make the colors on the horizon turn into the bright yellows that precede beautiful sunsets. I wouldn't see this sunset, because at the time I just arrived at the Gothic Theater in Englewood. I found my place in line, and waited for the rest of my people to arrive. At this point, I didn't know that two of them wouldn't make it until the show was over due to airport complications. Then, out of either pure assertiveness or happenstance I looked up, and I saw him. There was this figure, this beautiful five-foot-eight, side-swept brunette in a plaid shirt and the Converse I bought him. He had made it. Just in time for show time. The doors opened pretty much at 5:30 like they predicted that they would. The Gothic Theater is much like the Seattle's Showbox Theater. Except the levels were more stacked upon each other and the floor area was a touch smaller. It was extremely comfortable and extremely intimate...

This boy and I found our little corner of the floor and got rid of our stuff for the evening. We talked, we laughed, we hugged like we had forgotten how to let go. We anxiously watched the clock roll by and then the opening act came out. Argyle Street. His music was excellent, nothing short of excellent really. His stage presence, well, you could tell he wasn't used to it. I'm sure with more time on stage though, he'll come into his own. That aside, his music, it was amazing. The perfect set up to a divine two hours...

Then, it happened, the lights dimmed and the party began. It was the first time I'd ever seen them take the stage, and after that night, will be the last time. They are beautiful on record. Absolutely. Yet, live, there's the presence of God. For the boy I was with and I it wasn't so much a show. It was a movement towards forgiveness of each other. It was a motion to Him to heal us. It was a divine moment of prayer. I was in an experience at the moment of first chord played that was the most perfect moment I could have asked for. I was upset that this boy I was with needed to catch his return flight home and left me stranded at the venue. Needless to say there was a brief moment in time when I thought I was just going to have to find a new life in Denver. I gave it to God and trusted Him in it. I enjoyed the rest of the show in solo. During the song "Fly" is when the reality of this moment really hit me. God was washing over me like a tide upon the sand. Constant, calculated. I have no words how awesome it was to be able to see them live. No one will ever have that experience that I did. The concert ended and I was fortunate to meet three of the members. I was beyond impressed with their humility and kindness. Offering me a ride, when the boy I was with skipped out on me at the last minute. I didn't take it...

I got into a taxi at just around 9:45 PM and exhaustion had set in by this point pretty decently. I knew I was tired, but I was buzzed. Absolutely buzzed on God. I got back to my hotel room and was immediately surprised by the blessing standing outside the door. It was that boy, and his brother, and his brothers wife. They had cider and treats and I opened the door. This boy grabbed my arm and led me away and back down outside into the starry night. He said things I'd been dying for him to say, I said things I was dying to say. Then he took away something and replaced it with something even more amazing. Then we kissed. We kissed hard. We kissed long. We reminisced and then we made our way back up to my room. It was perfect.

Back in the room we plugged in my computer and continued the Foolish Things listening party with our cider. We caught up, we laughed, we loved, just like distance hadn't come between us. In that moment we were all whole...

They left at around 4:00 AM on what had then become today. Well, in fifteen minutes it will be tomorrow. Anyways, I then padded my way back to my bed, crawled in and fell deep asleep, for all of two and a half hours. My way back home had a set time, 12:15 PM and I needed a shower before I got on the plane. So, I got into the shower and relaxed just enough to get tired all over again. At this point, I was, I believe honestly running on pure adrenalin. I went down to the little breakfast area and proceeded to pour myself some straight coffee. I paired that with a cinnamon roll and more reading in Proverbs. I checked out and made my way into the blue shuttle that will take me back to the airport. I get checked in at around 9:30 AM for my 12:15 PM flight. I had some time to really reflect on the ministry that Foolish Things has really provided me, through His blessing...

Foolish Things, a five member band, made up of five hardcore Jesus followers. Each one uniquely different and markedly awe-inspiring. There's Isaac. Walks deep in faith, and has stories I wish I knew. His voice live is even more pure than I could describe. It's a voice that was specifically made for me to hear God through. I heard Him loud and clear during their show. There's Mark, I get the vibe he's the super outgoing guy of the group. He wears a wonderful smile and walks in a certain humility that people strive for years to obtain. There's Shaul, the rhythm of the band, he carries it all with this infectious smile. It was captivating. He's got skill on the set too. He really keeps it solid by him being solid. It's clear he has a good time on stage. Then, there's this wicked cool guy named Nate. Rocker on the inside and rocker on the outside. His bass playing was super wonderful and super tight. I wish I could have shaken his hand. Finally, but not in any depreciation, there's James. As far as music goes I connect with him most because of his use of both vocals and keys. His key style is unique and inventive and for years now it has helped keep me musically driven. He's inspirational to me. I'm so glad I shook his hand. So glad I got to touch the fingers that inspire me in the moments when I feel like giving up my gift. These boys, over the past four years, have driven me through their music. They've been able to speak to me like no one else can, or has even come close to. I can not wait to hear how their side projects/ministries unveil new talents and new directions for the kingdom. Together, in a band, they definitely impacted, but now that they're scattered, the possibilities are unique, and amazing. Their next chapter should be a wonderful and exciting time for them and I wish them nothing but the very best. They deserve it. This concert was a beautiful celebration of their ministry and a wonderful conclusion.

The announcement I've been partially dreading finally comes. Flight 2084, scheduled for arrival at Seattle Tacoma International Airport at 2:15 is boarding. I say that I was dreading it, because I know on the other end, reality is there, and for the last twenty-four hours I had been living in this beautifully orchestrated moment by God for His glory and for my affirmation of His powerful existence. I get on the plane, and I wish I had looked back, though I had nothing to look back for, I wish I had, so I had just that last little breath of memory. I got settled into my seat and watched as the plane was guided onto the runway. At precisely 12:23 PM we were in the air. Destination, my home on earth. I got my Bible out and finished the Proverbs. Then, I got excited for sleep. I was tired. Well, I had been tired for quite sometime, it just finally sank into reality. I thought of nothing but my bed...

At 2:17 PM I had deplaned and made my way to get my bag. I had my bag by 2:30 PM, and I was parking paid for and in my car by 2:45. While I had every intention of blazing a trail straight to my bed, which I'm currently writing to you from, I made a foolish, yet rewarding experience. I sent a mass text saying I was home and had called into work saying I wasn't able to make it, therefore freeing up a few hours. That said, I didn't necessarily expect a response, yet no joke, thirty seconds after I sent it Andrew calls saying he'd love to meet. I awakened just enough to make it passable that I wasn't tired. I pulled into the Rose Hill Starbucks at roughly 3:15 PM. Had a lovely hour long conversation with him and was about to fall asleep on him. I think, just maybe, I was a good enough actress that he didn't see it though. But I was running on a solid three to four hours of sleep total for a forty-eight hour period. I'm not complaining, that's just what it was. I got in the car and rushed home. I got home and settled onto my favorite couch downstairs and watched my typical Monday shows. Why I did this I'll never know, but I did. Then my parents arrived home and I gave them their souvenirs and here we sit, 12:19 on May 13, 2008. Dare I say I'm having trouble falling asleep at this point.

In final, this trip, though it was short, it was perfect. Absolutely and entirely perfect. From the alarm ringing in the morning on Sunday, until this moment that I'm typing. Nothing could have gone more according to the dream I had in my head. I'm so glad God blessed me with this experience. It is a highlight of my entire life. A pinnacle moment in which I will look back on and know that with no doubt Jesus Christ died for my sins and that God created me for a purpose. I am so blessed.

1 comment:

Jason Shim said...

First off, I want you to know I signed up just so I could comment on your blog, so feel special about that. Great Blog!! You are a very talented writer. Everything I learned in my english comp class was right there. I enjoy writing, but I don't think I'm anywhere near your level. Keep it up!!

I see something shiny off in the distance...what is that? Oh yeah it must be a diamond in the making!!! Go Diamond Baby!!