Monday, April 28

A total shift of perspective. Oh wait, not really.

I've finally settled in on a perspective that I needed to get settled in.

Love God. Love people. Serve the world.

Anyways, life has been superficially and internally good.

I have been deeply struggling in one area, but I am not ready to talk about it yet. It's kind of like a wound that has been re-opened and it's just filling me with these huge doubts and insecurities. Which is too bad, because honestly things have been going very well.

It's all about staying upbeat and positive. Negative is a pretty roadblock that I can't have happen this time around.

I witnessed a pretty cool thing the other day actually...

So, I was eating some good food and I was listening to the conversation a few tables down and was deeply interested in what this grandfather and granddaughter duo were doing.

So, this granddad had two granddaughters with him, and he had given one a full paper dollar. The other one naturally said "Grandpa, can I have one?!" That said, he frantically searched his wallet and gathered all the change he had. He covered the change and asked his adorable granddaughter "Would you like a paper dollar or take a handful of change that equals more than a dollar?" She begged and pleaded for paper dollar...

It just goes to show you just how appearance driven we are. If things don't look pretty we don't want it. That said, we need to look past the outer appearance into the valuable parts of people, and of experiences, and of things. The guest speaker at church last night said something really true that still resonates with me now. I'm not totally sure how it was laced into being, but it was something like...

Jesus' love sees the value in people, the value of people isn't measured by the amount of property they have...

It was amazing. I am so excited for my future. I am so excited to add value to the lives all around me.

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