Saturday, April 19


To be transparent is to be see-through. To show all things, good or bad.

In life, it honestly doesn't come down to how good or bad you may think you are, it's how transparent you are. It's how much you let the world see you in your falls, not just your triumphs. Easily attainable through being transparent is trust, a long-lasting friendships, relationships, and mentor-ships.

What makes that a true statement you might be asking yourself. Here's my answer. I believe that if I am transparent I am honest. Honesty keeps people around, lies don't. I am much more likely to maintain a friendship that has had serious transparency versus one that is foggy. It's only in transparency when real character can be defined.

In an ideal world however, there would be no fault in your life or the lives of the people around you, but the world isn't like that, which makes transparency even more valuable. Be a window into your own soul, don't be afraid to let the light within radiate out.

As I go back and re-read this I doubt it makes sense to anyone but me. Does it make sense to you?

1 comment:

danielle.house31 said...

I just stumbled across this and you asked if it made sense, as if only you would have understood what you were trying so deeply to convey...and my answer to that is simply... you made perfect sense. You allowed the Holy Spirit to speak through you... you obeyed that small voice that could have so easily gone unnoticed. Whom ever God intended to read those words did.

It is obvious that God is trying to speak to me. I have just spoken with someone online that I haven't seen or talked to in over 12 years, about being transparent...literally about 3 days ago. And now, God is putting it in front of me again. Wow.

Being transparent is something I struggle with everyday. We are made to feel in our society that we have to be "put together" and never screw up. And well...that's just not reality. The reality is we ARE all sinners. Like it or not, we screw up day in and day out, and we will continue.

But, that is why God's sovereign grace is such a blessing that we must never take for granted. It is through our sins (that He allow), that we are able to make right only through His grace, mercy and forgiveness. And with those sins, he expects for us to be transparent and in doing so, show others His Glory.

When we do that, it's not only freeing for us and a gift that only He can give, but we are taking the power that satan once had over us in that sin, and giving the power, and even more importantly, the GLORY back to our Father.

I know when I am transparent it allows me to be free in more ways than I can put into words. But, it is just the opposite if we are not transparent with others that God intentionally puts in our life. When we hold in sin that creeps into our life, we allow that sin to grow; to multiply, and to become a wedge between us and our heavenly Father. Sin is what keeps us from Him. And yes, I am speaking to myself more than anyone.

I am struggling right now in more ways than I'd like to admit. And I can say that I haven't been transparent in a VERY long time. I want to glorify Him, but that requires letting go of myself...

Thank you for your beautiful words and thank YOU for being transparent in a world that gasps in the presence of transparency. May God be given the Glory and may your life be filled with His abundant blessings that sustain you.

Danielle H.
va beach