Thursday, April 3

From the top, to the stars...

Being a Christian in today's not-so-accepting realm is hard. That said, there's one thing that has been on my mind constantly since conference. I know it was only a couple of days ago but it was revolutionary to my faith. Completely. The message was "Count the Stars" and believe me, now I am. It's heartbreaking to see so many people struggling with their desires to get to the top. Ever since I've become a Christian, I've been striving for so much more than the top. I've been striving for the stars. Why? Because "striving for the top" suggests and actually finds that there is a limit to my faith. "Striving for the stars" however, is suggestive to the fact that no matter how long I keep going, I'll never see the actuality of His full glory.

I've been reading in Job lately. In the Contemporary English Version, Job 1:21 states this earthquaking statement. "We bring nothing at birth; we take nothing with us at death. The LORD alone gives and takes. Praise the name of the LORD!" Now, I don't have any idea how you responded to that, but let me give you a little bit, just a little, of how I did.

This simple passage conveys to me lots of truths. Let's start like this. It states that we bring nothing with us when we arrive, nothing with us when we go. Break that down even a little more by going in the middle of birth and death. Whatever we are given is given to us by the Lord. Nothing comes from any other source. Every birthday candle you blow out, every sunrise you see, and every grain of rice you eat. Then this passage goes on to say those very words. That said, he can also take away from you as well...

Be grateful for what you have. Be grateful. Not just on-the-surface grateful, but in the depth of your heart, grateful. Let this undeserved grace and mercy shower over you with deep gratitude. Offer up everything you are given back to Him in return. Watch the blessings grow. Watch the circle of love complete it's rotation...

This is why I no longer strive for the top, because I know He's gifted me with eternity. I didn't deserve it, I still don't today but the very least that I can do is strive for the stars. By sacrificially giving, loving people, surrounding myself in good people, going and serving in His name, and countless other ways I try to let God shine. Because He's the number one star in the velvet skyline.

Now, you can strive for the top honors. But really they're nothing compared to the honor of being beside God in heaven. Let your thoughts dwell upon that.

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