Friday, December 26

Feeling Good, Feeling Fine...

This Christmas turned out to be alright. We had some family drama and some big snow, but the thing is, I had a great time. I love my family and these are the times when I remember and truly appreciate that. Last night, I definitely remembered that. The night before last night, I definitely remember that. Today, I definitely remember it. They are the structure of my life. They provide for me unconditional support, love, and so many other great great things.

Remember that your family is always going to be there for you. Regardless of the dysfunctional moments and years, they're always going to be there for me...

I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas this year. I got love. Material wise, I got a pink laptop, brand new Ugg boots, and my Daisy by Marc Jacobs perfume. But mostly, I got love. Actually, I'd go even deeper than that. I got healing. I'd been suffering from a severe case of loneliness prior to the Eve of Christmas. But now I know that I'll never walk alone.

God taught me things today and yesterday that I had forgotten. I remembered the reason for the season. I remembered to love with my whole heart again. I learned how to forgive again. I learned to let go...

I've let go of the one thing on my heart, and it was hard, but easy. Easy because I haven't been there in forever, hard because I had been there for so long. I am just glad that I know in my heart, that I am responding to the greatest love in the world and the heavens. His love.


Anonymous said...


David said...

your writing is always a pleasure to read my friend.

keep it up. you are truly an inspiration.