Wednesday, December 3

Taking the Drive

I think I'll be taking an extensive drive today on the way home. It just feels like one of those nights that I need to be in my car, in the quiet, listening to the quiet and making a difference in my own mind. I've begun to neglect myself again and I feel horrible about that. Entirely. If I'm not myself, or in my own perspective, how am I supposed to help the ones who mean the most to me? How am I supposed to be shoulder to lean on if I haven't made sure that my shoulder is strong enough to support myself. I've been leaning into someone lately that I don't think I should be leaning in to. Well, maybe I should be, but I just feel like it's perhaps... busywork for him rather than actually affecting lives. Well, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I've learned my lesson and will not be making the same mistake twice. Alright, it's already been more than twice, but you catch my flow... until next time...

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