Monday, July 28

Portland and reconciliation of the heart.

I was just across the border in Oregon. It's a beautiful city called Portland. I was there for a Family Reunion. I absolutely love the corporation that feeds my business and I hope that as I write about my weekend that I can edify it, just a little bit.

I heard from many different people from many different walks of life with very different stories. I laughed hysterically, I cried monumentally. Every person who spoke made their business what it is because they made a decision. They made the decision to go CORE. It really revealed to me just how successful the CORE system really is...

I am preparing to do the same. I am preparing for life-changing experiences. I am ready to transform my life.

The word dynasty was thrown around a little bit this weekend. I like that word. I want people to see a Porter dynasty. I want the people I help to help people. I want to selflessly serve these people until my knuckles bleed. My first step is getting the Attalah's organization to explode. My next step is to get the Schuman's organization to explode. The final step is to get my organization to explode. The step after the final step is to help each and every one of my personally sponsored individuals to get their organizations to explode. The cool thing. Is if I complete even one of these steps, I've done what I wanted.

Absorbing all of this information this weekend was critical for me. I am still in the processing mode. Every sentence that was said carried extreme validity. Every major point was like a mini revelation on my heart.

Another cool thing that I observed was that this environment is the kind of environment when things really happen. Everyone carried themselves with esteem and confidence, negativity just didn't exist, and everyone was connected by the same common thread. That thread was DREAM. We all have dreams, while they're different dreams, they're all dreams. The thing that's different about the people in that arena and the rest of the world is that we make them happen. We don't just dream of that car, or that house, or that relationship, or that vacation for the family, we make it reality. With sacrifice at the front comes a wonderful reality in the end.

Everything that I do now, I do it for my future. The way they said it this weekend was really poignant to me. "Dig your well before you're thirsty." It was probably said forty times by five or six different people and each and every time it was said it sunk in just a little deeper. I need to be ready to sacrifice. I should be confident in each sacrifice I take as well...

Every decision I make, I make it with His guidance, my upline's guidance, and my heart's dreams...

There's no other business that lets it's people dream. There's no other business that maintains friendships before fiscal success. There's no other business where those around you selflessly serve you to make your business more successful. There's no other business where your direct counsel is those who have been successful in the business already. There is no other business where love is integral to success. I also believe in my opinion that there's no other business where His hand is laid upon it more.

I am so blessed to have gotten an invitation into this wonderful world. It's the biggest opportunity for me to make my dreams a real thing.

That said, my heart took a proverbial beating this weekend. I have reconciled with a lot of my past because of that, and I will continue forward with my future. My deeply wonderful and amazingly awesome future. I see so much potential all around me. Now it's up to me to actually go out and grab that future and make it reality. It's up to me to see the world around me change. I know I can do it. I have the most amazing association all around me, I have a dream, and I have a fire deeply implanted in my heart. I am absolutely on fire.

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