Friday, July 4

Storm Surge

When one asks to be transformed there is a certain set of things that happens. Some of it is decidedly great, some of it, well decidedly not so great. The main thing that happens is what I call a "storm surge." A storm surge is just what is sounds like. Except instead of in the weather realm this takes place within the mind, soul, and spirit.

These challenges, no matter where they come from have been ordained by God. That said, when one asks and prays for transformation, full permission has been given to be shaken. This moment, this very time is where people get angry with God. That moment being the moment that God shows up to meet the desire for change...

That said, God gives us many tools to overcome the storms that surround us. The proof is in Ephesians. More specifically Ephesians 6:10-18. Paul lists the individual pieces of armor that we have in our immediate use. The belt of truth, feet that quickly spread the Good News, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit.

Individually those tools may not do very much, but together it sets the stage for a powerful showdown with the enemy. With these tools any storm can be overcome and weathered. The beauty of overcoming is the strength that lies within one after the battle. They walk straighter, they sing more thankfully, they pray continuously, and they love much more abundantly.

So, in that respect, if one prays and asks for transformation, be prepared to be shaken. Not just a slight tremble, but an earth-shattering, glass-breaking, heart-pounding, adrenaline-spiking collapse deep in the soul and high in the spirit. Also prepare for something breathtakingly beautiful on the other side of the storm surge. There probably was some damage during the storm, and it may still be very rough around the edges, but it's going to be the most amazing change on could ever dream of.

He is the reason, the cause, the effect, and the transformation.

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