Thursday, July 10

Hey Lord! Reign Down Please!?

I love the Lord and I love when He rains and I love that He reigns. He is raining blessing upon blessing and opportunity upon opportunity on me lately. I am amazed by His love each and every day. I question it, yet, I accept it as the truth it is.

Anyways, I was driving in the beautiful sunlight today when a powerful thought on humanity hit me...

We're scared of the rain. We're scared to be blessed and fulfilled. We're scared that the reigning King may actually love us beyond the earth and into the heavens. We're scared that he actually places upon us a unique heartbeat. One distinctly attached to His. We're scared to know that the perfect stranger gave His only Son's life for our sin. We're scared to accept it...

As I thought about it deeper, I realized why I have to come back and continually re-evaluate. It's because I've been too blessed in life. Honestly, realistically, truly. It amazes me that there's someone who loves me more than the parents He gave me. It amazes me that He is my Father in Heaven who never stops loving me even in my darkest, most secret lies and sin. It's monumental. It's phenomenal. It's revelation...

I try to write in such a way that I can go back and really remember and recall and recount what I was thinking. That said, I try to write about His love and I can't. Too many paragraphs lace themselves together loosely, and the thing is, they're all valid, real, and raw, but there's just too much to absorb. Perhaps one day, I'll let the whole thing come out onto the paper. All those paragraphs, all those interwoven details so specific to me that I fall to my knees in passionate agony at His altar.

I say passionate agony because that's what it is. It's passionate, but it's agony. I love the Lord with all my heart. Yet, to know that I'm constantly falling short in front of Him hurts me, it pains me, it saddens me. It's passionate because I go earnestly to the Cross in those times. I should always be going to the Cross, we should always be going to the Cross...

Back to original thought, His love is reigning, and we're beginning to see real change on the earth. Granted, we hear about the negative, but I believe that we hear this because Satan's getting nervous. I'll go into that thought another day but for now I'll leave this parting thought.

Who deserves to be rained on? You, me, and everybody in between. Who does the reigning? The holy One in Heaven. Go ahead, carry yourself to the table, and accept His love. I'm still working on it.

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