Saturday, July 5

Into Marvelous Light I'm Running.

"Into marvelous light I'm running, out of darkness out of shame..."

Charlie Hall lyrics. Cliche`, but really great nonetheless. I have to remember that. Always and forever. Where ever I'm going there needs to be light. Not a shadow around. A shadow is just a cool place to rest, but if one gets too comfortable with it, things implode. Laziness grips the soul, procrastination rules the mind, lackluster glances to the future take shape, senseless desires form themselves in sight. Remember resting is okay, but taking sanctuary in a shadow can never lead to true happiness...

That said, run and run hard. Run and run fast. Run diligently. Run dutifully. Run with desire to win the battle. Run with confidence toward your prize. Never let the light revolve around sadness...

That said a proper process of mourning can occur and is healthy. Extremely healthy in fact. Don't be afraid to cry. Don't be afraid to let people see what makes you vulnerable. Because in that vulnerability, you yourself proceed to gain strength.

I've been reading quite a bit about emotion lately and I'm surprised as to what I am reading. It's not so much changing how I view my relationship with Jesus, but it's cementing it. It's solidifying that I can show my emotion and not be pinned as a weak link. In fact, because I show it, I'm set apart. I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I wrote about that fellowship a while ago. Yet it rings true still to this day...

Yesterday was the Fourth of July. Today is the Fifth of July. Happy Fifth of July! Let freedom of emotion ring within!

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