Tuesday, June 17

We live for these moments...

Last night was exactly what the doctor ordered. Now, I haven't had a few "bad weeks" by any means, but I haven't had "easy weeks" either. Anyways, yesterday night was quite possibly the stabilizer in this life for me at the current time. I went to see one of the most inspirational people in my life. Brad Duncan. He's absolutely wonderful. He started at 8:00 sharp, and went until 11:00, without break. He gave me so much inspiration that I don't know what to do with it. As always, I was there with Andrew. Who I've really enjoyed getting to know. He's given me a lot of hope. He helps me dream. He doesn't shoot down the dreaming I do either...

I've come to realize that I need those kind of people in my life consistently. They are the ones that help me grow, help me realize, help me fulfill my potential. It's dream killers that end lives. Maybe not physically, but mentally they kill people quicker than poison. I'm so glad to have the five close friends I do. They're all different. Yet, somehow they create this motion in my life together. It's a quick-paced positive motion. Centered on Christ, lived out as such. It's been great. I've enjoyed settling into this next phase of life. I'm thinking that so much can happen. I'm realizing that I don't need a four-year college degree and a good job to make it happen either. I might even land on the word revelation for this chapter. I'm so blessed to be where I am.

I know there's so much more to experience in life. I'm so thankful I have a family that loves me unconditionally. I have five wonderful friends who would die for me as I would them. Life is good right now.

I've been thinking a lot about structure again. I have no clue why, it's just where I find myself looking and pondering lately. I can't describe this new side of it yet, but I will say resoundingly that structure is absolutely necessary in human life.

Don't let anyone steal, crumple, crunch, trash, or make fun of your dream. God gave it to you for a reason, so go out and make it happen. I'd be more than happy to help you achieve it as well. Just open your door, and I'll make sure mine is always open too. You are beautiful, so is your dream.

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