Monday, March 24

Create in me...

Here I am, in honesty
Seeking for you to create in me,
Once again, a fresh new faith,
That endures all.


Lately, things have been pretty short-handed in my writing, and I'm not exactly sure why, yet, I don't hate it. It's a new form for my writing. We'll see if it lasts. Normally, I like to really emphasize my writing, adding flowing lines of dramatic relevancy and deep introspections.

That said, I've been well the last few days. Things have been stressful, I've gotten extremely behind on several projects, but I have endured. I guess you could say that it's part of my ever evolving faith. I have realized that He will always follow me. Even in my errors. For that I fall to my knees in humility. I do not deserve His grace. I don't. He called me into His Kingdom just so He can love on me more. I just became a member of my first church. I am officially a member of Overlake Christian Church. I could not be happier with my selection. Though, I believe God has played a serious role in placing me there, I ultimately needed to make the decision and I did. I am so excited to see where it takes me. I'm so excited to where He takes the church. It is evident that we are making our mark in the local community. I can't wait to see what happens globally.


Become dependent on Him. It's what will truly set you free.

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