Monday, March 10

Open spaces...

I've realized something about open spaces. Particularly in buildings and rooms. There is so much potential to create beautiful artistry within the rooms. With walls of white, and floor of trusty hardwood, there is so much potential. Splash a cranberry red sofa, a modern painting with slight hints of bright color, a few side tables made of glass and aluminum and a lamp of brushed steel. You've got yourself a modern room. However, you throw a over-sized leather couch with a thick throw rug, a rustic fireplace, and tables made of solid oak, and you've got yourself a comfortable room...

This translates into life as this...

Our hearts should be open spaces, where our Creator can paint on us as He chooses. Freely.

Yet, here's where the beauty lies...

Say someone breaks into the room, takes something, or adds something that doesn't make sense. That taints the perfect room God has built within us. Because it takes away some of the room's strength, or adds an element that just doesn't make sense and hurts the overall impact of the room.

The question is...

What kind of room do you live in? Has someone been able to break in? Have you tried to remodel on your own?

Think on it, ponder it, absorb it. I know I have. I know I've got some remodeling by my Creator coming.

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