Friday, March 14


As I sit here, I am temporarily without the use of my left ring finger, and my left pinkie finger. Why? Because I played football yesterday at work and caught the ball wrong and jammed my pinkie finger extremely bad. However, I am thankful for the invention of ice-packs, ibuprofen, and sports tape. It got me thinking though...

Even when something isn't going exactly according to plan or if things suddenly change mid-way through, I need to remember that I'm going to be just fine because He's going to be there on the other side. So while I hurt now, I triumph later.

While I hurt now, I will triumph later. That is the testament of the Risen One. He hurt for a very long time, enduring everything that was put upon him, all to rise above all in the end. From ashes to beauty. I think we'll never comprehend it, and as soon as someone claims to, something will happen again to make us doubt all over again.

I just marvel at the cross. I have so much inside my head and heart that I could and do say, but no matter how much I say, the words never run dry. This Easter season is looking much different than I could imagine it looking. Really, it's not a time to mourn, it's a time to celebrate that He rose from the dead, proving and proclaiming that GOD is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. Now that's something I can fully support.

I'm off to take another dose of ibuprofen right now, but no matter what's here on earth we've got a better remedy in the blood of JESUS CHRIST. That is the ultimate salvation.

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