Wednesday, January 13

Zephaniah 3:17

Zephaniah 3:17 contains some of the most poetic and resonating words in Scripture in my opinion and my personal walk. The passage reads like this in the New International Version.

"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

It doesn't get any more awesome than this. Well, He always finds a way to surprise me, but it is as beautiful to my ears as a perfect symphony. He is always with us, in every valley, on every mountain-top, in every flood, in every drought. He makes no move to leave.

On another subject, I mistyped a word I had written earlier today. The word was "relationships" but I accidentally typed "realationships." It got me thinking. I then questions. What does a "Real"ationship look like? I think it looks something like a chocolate cake with a touch of icing and a slightly imperfect filling that throws off the taste just a little amount. You see, it's got the superficial layer, it's got the depth layer, and it's got the secret layer. It represents the three levels of friendship. The acquaintance level, the friend level, and the best friend level. If you get to the middle layer you know more about them than their job and the car they drive. And if you get to that innermost layer, you've entered the world where the fault lie. Trust has been established. Secrets have been told. REAL has happened. It's actually wonderfully constructed. The social wiring God has designed in us. Go into your own circles and see just what I'm talking about. Find your healthy balance. Each of us has a different one of those. But all of us are wired to be together in fellowship and friendship with others.

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