Saturday, August 15


My mind is on overdrive
One look at You sets my soul on fire
I don't wanna hide
From Your love (I can't deny, I feel it)

My mind is on overdrive
Every breath I take magnifies desire
I don't wanna hide
From Your heart (I can't deny, I need it)

No matter what I do
I can't stop loving You
No matter what I say
Your arms are where I wanna stay

Here my feet stand planted
on the Rock that is Your love
Here my hands stay steady
on the words, sent from above

Your love sets me on overdrive (only)
Your love truly satisfies
Your love sets me on overdrive (only)
You love makes me come alive

Friday, August 14

August Rush

So, it's August's midpoint. I feel awful that I haven't written in so long but my writing's have been totally for myself lately. Coming in and out of these phases is not easy. Because I feel like I should write to you, but I also feel like I need to honor my God. Not just when I feel like it, but all the time. Lately, I feel like in order to honor Him that I've needed to step back from everything that satisfies me to see what satisfies Him for my life. I started to really trust a new friend last night. Not just a little, a lot. He has been a very strong presence in my life. I'm putting my trust into him because I feel like he is putting his trust into me. It's pretty cool if you ask me. Anyways, that is what has been pulling me away from the screen. Honest, true, and authentic relationship community is what we all long for and with this new friend, I think I have found a missing part to my community.

Starbucks (Logo Transformed)

So, as I sit here I laugh at the days previous hilariousness. Yes, I was fortunate to get a front row seat to it too. I went out by myself, in a place I only knew existed because it's always an answer on the "Name the 50 State Capitals" quiz. I was in search of a familiar sign. One that is tattooed into the very fabric of American culture. More in depth, in the Pacific Northwest it comes like water, and are more frequent than stoplights almost. The Starbucks logo. It's become a stereotype because it's become expected that everyone is fully fluent in the language. In the venti, grande, breve, latte language...

Anyways, that's not what this is about, it's about how I went out in search of one of these sacred, especially in the Emerald City, cups and instead of the logo that has been emblazoned on my heart, all I saw was your face calling back to me. I need you in my life. I yearn for you in my life. I need all of you in my life. you absolutely, entirely, and totally complete me. I don't feel like me and my days are complete without you. They are so perilously long without you. I am so grateful for you. I love you, with my whole heart, and nothing less.

While it was Raining...

While it was raining, my tears were streaming down my face
Dreaming of being in a different place...
One where You and I collide, fears set aside.

I just want to run with You. I just want to live for You, Jesus... Just want to breathe for You Jesus...


Tonight, I was blessed with a sunset of a different kind. It had just finished storming, and through the clouds, just a thin layer of clouds separated me and a "perfect" sunset. Normally, I'd stare at awe of the color of this particular sunset, but this one captured me. It had a subtle meaning behind it that I'm glad I picked up on...

My storm isn't over. My trial isn't over. I'm just beginning. Now the real work begins. I have work to do. I have things to get done. Someone (a certain spiritual force, I'm lead to believe) doesn't want me to succeed. Yet, I will battle through. I will rise through the wind and create a bigger force than it can ever bring. I have the cross. I have my Jesus. I have my God. I have the spirit inside. I have the spirit of success. I believe in fighting for a dream and I believe that I'm finally tasting what a "test" feels like in this particular realm...

Anyways, back to the moral of this sunset, I found the meaning... No matter what is in the way of my Jesus. I can still see Him. Though Ge may not be as clear, or as present as I think He should be, He is definitely there, fighting for me, fighting for my success, fighting right beside me on my team. He plays offensive with me, He plays defense with me, He plays coach to me, He plays the Audience of One to cheer me on.

I know that there are so many clouds in my sky right now, but I know that this day's sunset has refreshed in my a new faith. A strong faith. A faith that sparks, sizzles, and is ready to set others on fire. Yes, normally I'd wait for the stubborn clouds to disappear, but I'm going to try something new. I'm going to fight through the clouds so I break the boundary of Earth and perhaps touch the very bottom of Heaven. At least get as close as I can.


While it was raining, my tears were streaming down my face
Dreaming of being in a different place...
One where You and I collide, and embrace

I just want to run with You. I just want to live for You, Jesus... Just want to breathe for You Jesus...