Saturday, April 25

Just like a circus...

I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins, spotlight on me and I'm ready to break...

All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus...


Alright, so I have this certain group of friends who I constantly find myself the center of. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely flattered that they love me, love spending time with me, and want to show me that. However, I constantly find myself the one making the plans, and making sure they happen. Don't get me wrong, I plan and plan well. I just want for a few times, to be one of the ones who just gets to show up with a bottle of wine and have a good night. I'm also tired of the way I'm being used in a lot of my other relationships. I don't feel valued. I know that God's setting me aside right now to do great. That's extremely apparent. With some of my passions in life at a standstill, such as writing, music, and connecting with new people, and lots of quiet times all of a sudden, I know I'm being prepared to do great things...

That said, I wish that there was some balance in life. Just a little. I love balance.

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