Monday, July 23

There's always a silver lining,

Yeah, there's always a silver lining. It's pretty much comes up when you least expect it, but it's always there. Just waiting to be found. However, the beauty of the silver lining laying within God is that it's always the sweetest silver lining ever.

I visited my old youth group for the first time since I left high school in Duvall and it was a revelating and beautiful and it was full of grace. What I once declared an "unwell" church group was full of life. They are doing a mighty work at SoulFire and I had no idea the growth that I would encounter. We had such a great experience with God. I was carried to the table, and I was convicted to do many things that I've either been denying or that I had no idea I needed to do at all.

I was so gifted with the youth today. So gifted. I knew I was being called back. I knew there was a reason that I was being called back. I now know why. It's so I can start preparing for how youth function. How they learn. How a youth ministry is effective. How they're not. I am facing the biggest challenge of my life, going out and ministering, but I can prepare myself. The biggest way that I'm preparing myself is getting biblically sound. Meaning, I'm basically in the process of memorizing as much of the Bible that I can.

I love my life. Pure and simple, even when it's a cloudy day, there's always a silver lining.

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