Friday, February 13

Holding Patterns

Life in a holding pattern. We've all had times where all we want to do is get off the plane or switch destinations or even simply land at some airport, be it the right one or not. Clinging to my cup of coffee, I know that I'm being tested by none other than Flight Control. Again. I mean just as I get settled into a new flight path He comes on the intercom and totally changes the landing target and the entire path that I'm supposed to use to get there. To be quite frank, I don't really like it. I'll embrace this new challenge, but I will not immediately like doing that. I just have to remember that God is doing the because He thinks that I can handle it. More importantly, He wants me to see something through this change in flight path, this change in direction, this change in my chosen plane, this turbulence. I just don't know why my God never lets me settle into a path or even a general direction. I mean does he really have that much hope for me? Does he really value me in His kingdom that much? Is he really weighing these thoughts on me that much? It's a calling, a path, a dream He's placed me on before. Many times. Could this be it? Could I be called to do a church plant? Or even go with a group to start a completely new church? Could I be given that amount of privelege? Now is when I drop to my knees. Now is when I bow before my Lord. Now is when I pray harder. Now is when I pursue Love harder. Now is when I give Him my all. Now is when I lose my words. Now is when the only thing I can say is a simple phrase. Wow.

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