Tuesday, January 1

close your eyes

Close your eyes. Who knew that three little words could be such a deeply spiritual thing for me. Certainly not me. In efforts to start fulfilling my resolutions, I went to the gym today, am writing currently, and am about to spend my quality time with God before I drift off to sleep. Tonight the wind is blowing. I close my eyes and listen to the air move. It comes in tides, much like an ocean. It is really relaxing honestly. That's what I need to do in order to reconnect with my Lord. Relax. Actually going to the gym today was incredibly relaxing. I can't tell you why yet, but I can tell you that I'll be going way more often. There's this machine that simulates what a paddle-boat does and I believe that I could spend a long long time on that imagining that I really were in the middle of a quiet lake with the surface of the water as smooth as glass. Which brings me to another thought...

The ripple effect. As best I can define it is this. A ripple effect is where one small action creates much larger effect than originally was planned. Let's say you and your friend get into a really big fight. Say you say something that was totally uncalled for, but in the heat of the moment sounded completely rational. Your best friend retracts obviously hurt and you leave the conversation awkwardly. Next thing you know you're getting phone calls from other people saying how shallow and callous you are. Next, you're being univited to things. All that time, people take your side as well. Friends are forced against friends and then you feel extremely awkward. Not exactly how you thought that your little argument would go right?

My main thing is this: Be a part of good ripples not bad ones. More importantly, start good ripples all over the place. Next thing you know the entire world will have so many ripples of goodness that they'll all overlap. Meaning we'll have a world of currents and waves, but it'll all be to better eachother. Doesn't sound like such a bad deal does it?